"You are so creative! Wow! I wish I could do that, but I'm not crafty..." I hear this from party guests at least twice a party. As I am a "good hostess" I smile, shift the "creative blame" to one roommate or another, and bite my tongue. A lot. I hate it when people label themselves "not crafty." Dig a little deaper and you hear things like "well, I can't draw, so I must not be creative" or "I could never think of those things on my own" or "Mine never turn out like that." Usually I smile, gently encourage and turn the conversation away from the other person's discomforting self reflection.
What I really want to do is yell "BULLSHIT", call a life foul, and coach them back into the game! There now. You too can now interpret my smile and nod. :)
That may seem a bit extreme, but you must understand that I am very passionate about freedom, and in this case, the freedom to create. I realize I cannot actually shake my house guests or start yelling at them, even if I think it is for their benefit. I mean, seriously, who would come to our parties? But I can share my experience as my roommates and I make creativity a practical reality in our lives.
The more I create, the more I realize that a key part of our process is simply about learning to tolerate working in a mess. Not a "mess of a life" or a "beautiful mess" as the song says. I'm talking about building up tolerance to being surrounded by the crap your creative process has generated. For some, this will be more organized and tidy than others. For Laura, Lisa, and I, it looks like a summer twister hit our craft area and threw in some empty take-out cartons for good measure.
True story.
Lets try a little activity. It's a picture find. Can you find all the possibilities listed in the the picture below?
Finder list:
1. Toulle Ballerina Halloween Costume
2. Dinner
3. 45 Bean bag heating pad tags
4. Yesterday's Breakfast
5. Porcelain
6. Markers
7. Fabric markers for labeling tags
8. Bean bag innards
9. Bean Bag Assembly Elf
10. Bean bag fabric
11 Pottery tools
12. (1) cake pan
13. Bean Bag Assembly Elf's filing system for multitasking while waiting on next influx of material
14. Portal to all B movies from the 1990's on.
15. Marketing Tools
16. Unfinished clay ornaments
17. Fuel

Did you find them all? Scroll down to see the answers.
Finder list:
1. Toile Ballerina Halloween Costume
2. Dinner
3. 45 Bean bag heating pad tags
4 Yesterday's Breakfast
5. Porcelain
6 Markers
7 Fabric markers for labeling tags
8. Bean bag innards
9. Bean Bag Assembly Elf
10. Bean bag fabric
11 Pottery tools
12. (1) cake pan
13. Bean Bag Assembly Elf's filing system for multitasking while waiting on next influx of material
14. Portal to all B movies from the 1990's on.
15. Marketing Tools
16. Unfinished clay ornaments
17. Fuel
Now granted, we don't live in this on a daily basis. Our business, ee.larual, is in full holiday boutique production. The first boutique is next Tuesday at Capella Tower. If you are in downtown Minneapolis next Tuesday between 9:30-1, come and visit us! (click here for a map)
My second piece of advice is this: Limit your time. Set boundaries around when you will allow yourself to be messy. It is WAY easier to talk yourself out of panic mode when you know there is a time limit. Once this time is done, take stock of what you have accomplished and celebrate! I sure am!
Let's hear it for the Bean Bag Elf!
Laura's pottery is being fired this week. Check back later this week for the latest update.
Here's a sneak peak at my winter line of heating buddies:
How have I not seen this blog before now!! (Oh wait, probably because you usually go out of your way NOT to mention things like this... :D). You are a fantastic blogger! Not surprisingly. This post makes me miss your house and its residents super bad. I wish I could hire the team of you to come and be elf laborers for all the projects on MY list! :D